With the back-to-school season on the horizon, parents have more than just supplies and schedules to worry about. This period also sees a spike in pests such as bed bugs and ants that can easily be brought home by children.

To ensure your home in Waterloo, IA, and the surrounding areas remains secure and free from pests, we’ve compiled crucial back to school pest prevention advice to help you address these intruders effectively.

Recognizing Common Pests in Schools

Before diving into our back-to-school pest prevention strategies, it’s important to recognize the most prevalent pests you might face in Waterloo, IA, and why schools provide ideal conditions for them.

Which Pests Are Common in Schools and Daycare Centers?

Schools and daycare centers can quickly become hotspots for pests because of the heavy foot traffic, availability of food, and many nooks and crannies for hiding. Identifying the pests that are common in these environments is essential for effective pest control for schools and daycare centers.

Head lice on palm - Back to School Pest Prevention


Although not a typical pest, head lice are a prevalent issue in schools. These tiny, parasitic insects live on the scalp, feeding on human blood. They spread easily through direct contact or by sharing personal items such as hats and hairbrushes.

While head lice don’t transmit diseases, they can cause itching and irritation, leading to discomfort and distractions for affected children.

Mouse in school trash - Back to School Pest Prevention


Schools are appealing to mice and rats because they provide plenty of food, water, and shelter. These rodents can do considerable damage by chewing through wires, books, and structural materials.

Additionally, they are carriers of diseases and can contaminate food and surfaces with their droppings, creating serious health hazards.

Ants marching in school grounds


Ants are frequent visitors in schools, drawn by the availability of food. They can invade classrooms, cafeterias, and playgrounds, leaving trails as they forage for food.

Most ants are harmless, but some species can bite or sting, causing discomfort to children. Their presence may also indicate broader hygiene problems within the school.

Cockroach on a school table


Cockroaches are drawn to schools, especially kitchens and cafeterias, due to the plentiful food and water. These pests can spread bacteria on food and surfaces, creating health risks for students and staff.

Their knack for hiding in tight, hard-to-reach places makes them particularly tough to get rid of.

Bed bug on a sofa


Bed bugs are notorious for latching onto students’ belongings like backpacks and clothing. These pests can swiftly transfer from one student to another, resulting in infestations in both classrooms and homes.

These small, reddish-brown insects survive on human blood, causing itchy bites and significant discomfort.

Understanding these pests is crucial. Now, let’s examine why schools are particularly susceptible environments for these unwanted guests.

Why Schools are a Unique Pest Environment

Schools are particularly susceptible to pest infestations due to several distinctive factors.

  • Firstly, the continuous movement of students and staff provides numerous opportunities for pests to be introduced and spread. High traffic areas like hallways, cafeterias, and classrooms experience a lot of activity, making it easy for pests to move around undetected.

  • Secondly, schools offer a variety of hiding spots that complicate pest control efforts. Locker rooms, storage areas, and cluttered classrooms provide numerous nooks and crannies where pests can thrive without being noticed. The varied use of spaces means that maintaining a pest-free environment requires constant vigilance and frequent inspections.

  • Additionally, the communal nature of schools, where students share desks, lockers, and other personal items, aids the spread of pests like head lice and bed bugs. Shared spaces such as gyms and libraries are hotspots for pest activity, as they bring large groups of people together in close quarters.

  • Lastly, schools often face challenges in their cleaning and maintenance routines, especially over weekends and holidays, allowing pests to establish themselves during these times. The difficulty of keeping such a large environment clean and free of food scraps further worsens the problem.

Recognizing these unique characteristics of school environments helps in creating more effective pest prevention and control strategies tailored specifically for these settings.

Vital Pest Control Tips for Parents

Having understood the common pests in schools and why these places are prone to infestations, let’s look at practical tips parents can use to keep pests away and maintain a healthy home. Implementing these back to school pest control strategies can make a significant difference.

Keep Backpacks Clean and Well-Stored

  • Backpacks often carry pests like bed bugs and lice. To reduce this risk, regularly clean and check your child’s backpack.

    Empty the backpack daily, shake it out, and vacuum inside to eliminate any hidden pests. Store backpacks in a designated spot away from bedrooms and living areas to stop pests from spreading throughout your home.

Change and Inspect Bedding Regularly for Bed Bugs

  • A clean sleeping area is essential to prevent bed bugs. Make sure your child’s sheets and pillowcases are washed and changed weekly.

    While doing this, carefully inspect the mattress and bed frame for signs of these pests, such as small dark spots or shed skins. Using encasements for mattresses and pillows adds an extra layer of protection.

Wash School Clothes Immediately After Returning Home

  • Clothing can be a hidden carrier of pests. When your child gets home from school, have them change out of their school clothes right away and put those clothes directly into the laundry.

    Washing and drying the clothes on a high heat setting can kill any pests that might be present. This step is particularly important after events like field trips or activities where children have close interactions.

Avoid Buying or Picking Up Used Furniture

  • Second-hand furniture can be budget-friendly, but it may also be a source of pest infestations. Avoid purchasing used furniture, particularly items like mattresses, sofas, and upholstered chairs, which can harbor pests like bed bugs.

    If you need to bring second-hand items into your home, thoroughly inspect and clean them before use, and consider treating them with a pest control product.

Stay Vigilant for Pests at Home

  • Being watchful is key to preventing pest issues from escalating. Regularly inspect your home, paying attention to common hiding spots like baseboards, cracks, and small crevices.

    Use a flashlight to look for signs of pests, such as droppings, shed skins, or nests. Early detection allows you to address problems before they become serious infestations.

By following these pest control tips, you can maintain a pest-free home and protect your family. It’s equally important to focus on pest prevention in schools and daycares, where children spend much of their time. Next, we’ll discuss strategies to prevent infestations in these environments.

Steps to Prevent Pest Infestation in Schools and Daycares

Ensuring a pest-free environment in schools and daycares is essential for children’s well-being. Effective pest control in these settings requires cooperation between parents and school officials. Here are practical steps parents can take to support this effort.

Adopting Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) utilizes a variety of strategies to control pests effectively. Parents can aid in IPM by:

  • Understanding the school’s pest control practices: Learn how the school currently manages pests and suggest improvements to enhance their pest control program.

  • Joining health and safety committees: Collaborate with other parents and school staff to address and resolve pest-related concerns.

  • Advocating for staff training: Encourage the school to offer regular IPM training for teachers and maintenance staff to equip them with the skills needed to manage and prevent pest issues.

Collaborating with School Authorities

Effective pest control demands cooperation between parents and school authorities. Parents can:

  • Stay informed and engaged: Attend meetings and voice concerns about pest management efforts.

  • Participate in discussions and awareness sessions: Join meetings and help organize sessions to talk about pest issues and solutions.

  • Volunteer for cleanliness drives: Assist in organizing or participating in cleanup days to minimize pest risks.

Educating Children on Pest Prevention

Instructing children about pest prevention can significantly lower the chances of infestations. Parents can:

  • Emphasize the importance of keeping personal items clean: Advise children to avoid sharing personal items such as hats or hairbrushes and to keep their belongings neat.

  • Teach them to spot pests: Educate children on recognizing signs of pests, such as droppings or bite marks, and encourage them to inform an adult immediately if they notice these signs.

By following these proactive measures, parents can greatly contribute to keeping schools and daycares pest-free, ensuring the health and safety of all children.

However, professional help may be required to address persistent or severe pest issues. Let’s explore how Bobcat Pest Control can offer expert solutions to ensure your child’s environment remains completely pest-free.

Professional Help from Bobcat Wildlife & Pest Control

Ensuring your home and school environments are completely pest-free often requires professional intervention. Bobcat Pest Control offers thorough services to address all types of pest issues quickly and effectively.

Why Choose Bobcat Pest Control?

  • For over ten years, Bobcat Pest Control has been a reliable service provider in the Des Moines Metro area. Our team uses compassionate and effective strategies to manage pests and wildlife.

    We offer customized solutions designed to fit the unique needs of your home or school, ensuring safety and a pest-free environment. Prioritizing customer satisfaction and leveraging advanced techniques, we ensure your property stays secure and free from pests.

Services Provided by Bobcat Pest Control

Bobcat Pest Control offers a range of services to handle various pest problems:

  • Residential and Commercial Services: Custom pest control solutions for both homes and businesses to maintain a pest-free environment.

  • Wildlife Removal: Humane and effective methods for removing nuisance wildlife such as raccoons, squirrels, and bats.

  • Rodent Control: Comprehensive strategies to eliminate mice, rats, and other rodents while preventing future infestations.

  • Insect Removal: Treatments for various insects, including ants, cockroaches, fleas, and more.

  • Bird Control: Solutions to manage bird problems, including pigeons and sparrows, to prevent them from disrupting your property.

Contact Bobcat Pest Control Today for a Pest-Free Home

Prevent pests from taking over your residence or your child’s educational facility in Waterloo, IA, and the surrounding areas. Schedule a service with us today. Our experts are equipped to offer swift, efficient, and trustworthy pest control solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Visit our website or call us to secure a safe, pest-free space for your family and community.

Owner Blake Marshall
About the Author

Blake Marshall, Owner/Operator of Bobcat Wildlife and Pest Control, Waterloo. A skilled tradesman turned pest expert, Blake launched the franchise in 2020. With a motto of excellence, he ensures superior pest solutions in Waterloo and beyond. His dedication and diverse experience make Bobcat a trusted choice for wildlife and pest management.